Tuesday 2nd Feb
Yesterday you read through chapters 7 and 8. Today we are going to be summarising the events in these two chapters. You may need to keep referring back to the text to help you. If you made any notes yesterday, these will be very helpful too! Remember, summarising is where we think about the main events or most important events that take place.
There is a sheet today for your task. Task 1 asks you to decide which chapter different events took place in and task 2 asks you to think about the most important thing we learn in this chapter. See the sheet below for your tasks.
Watch the video below to help you understand what summarising means and why we learn this skill.
In English today, we will be continuing our new writing sequence... MARY POPPINS!
This will all lead up to writing a diary entry as though you have spent the week with Mary Poppins herself!
This week, we will continue the sequence like we always do, by developing and learning all of the grammar techniques we will be using in our piece of writing.
Today, we'll be looking at using SUBORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS!
Watch the videos which explain these in more detail. You may need to keep pausing to look at things more carefully. Then, complete the sentences on the sheet.
We have now come to the end of our blocks on 'Multiplication and Division' and 'Area'. Before we move on to the next block, we think it is important to do some revision and consolidation of everything covered so far this term.
For the rest of this week, we will be giving you some sheets that have a range of questions covered in these two blocks.
Here are a few tips to help you on your way:
- Use the methods looked at in that block
- Draw out or use counters to help with multiplication and division
- Use any equipment you have at home to help you e.g. coins, sweets, Lego etc.
- Use a multiplication grid to help with any times table questions
Remember, these sheets are to help you practice and revise what we have covered so it's all to help you on your way!
Today, we'll be looking at area. Complete the sheet below and then mark it to see how far you've come this term already! The answers are on the last page of the booklet.
This week is Children's Mental Health Week. The theme is Express Yourself. PSHE this week is looking at 'Feelings'
Look at the power point all about 'Feelings'. You will find the link below or on our Mental Health and Wellbeing page on the website.
The power point will explain everything to you and there is a task at the end you could do.
If you haven't already looked at the Express Yourself - Introduction power point, you can have a look at this too. There is a little task at the end.
There are also other tasks you can you do for Children's Mental Health Week.
Don't forget to send in any pictures or work you do to your class teacher to receive dojo's
Have a great Express Yourself Week!!