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Clowne Junior School

Working together for success and happiness



At Clowne Junior School, we recognise the importance of Science in every aspect of daily life. As one of the core subjects taught in primary schools, we give the teaching and learning of Science the prominence it requires.

Our aim is:

  • for all children to understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of Science so that they can understand the world through the disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. 
  • to nurture our children with their understanding with how Science has changed our lives and how it is vital to the world’s future prosperity.
  • to instill excitement and curiosity about the subject and how it explains the world around them so they are inspired to think about the subject in a meaningful and responsible way.


Over the academic year, children will study different units of learning in Science on a half-termly basis

This blocked approach means a specific amount of dedicated time is given to the subject, allowing time for the incremental acquisition of skills and knowledge and time to address mis-conceptions. Throughout our planning is a strong focus on working scientifically and providing children with opportunities to apply their knowledge in practical contexts. Children are encouraged to ask their own questions and given opportunities to use their scientific skills and research to discover the answers.


Using the SNAP Science scheme to ensure progression throughout the school, every lesson follows a set pattern:

  • The 'Explore' activity to excite the children’s curiosity about a scientific phenomenon and provide a focus for their questions and investigations. This activity is designed as a rich formative assessment opportunity for children to reflect on what they already know and identify what they need to learn next.
  • The ‘Core’ lessons, within in each unit, cover all the objectives from the National Curriculum’s Programme of Study.
  • The ‘Enrichment’ lessons provide extra breadth and depth for the topic.
  • The 'Reflect and Review' activity at the end of each lesson gives the children the oppurtunity to  communicate what they have learned. 

Knowledge Organsiers

Children are provided with a knowledge organiser at the start of each topic. This details the key knowledge and vocabulary that children will encounter during the upcoming unit of work. This is not used as part of an assessment but to support children with the acquisition of knowledge and as a reference document.



As previously mentioned, Clowne Junior School uses the Collins’ SNAP Science Scheme to deliver our Science lessons. Snap Science is a dynamic, comprehensive programme, packed with inspirational resources that help deliver outstanding Science learning throughout school.

This includes;

  • SNAP Science Scheme of Work
  • Practical resources organised into topic boxes for each unit
  • A wide range of books to support each learning theme
  • Online resources
  • Cross-Curricular Learning

Marking and Feedback

The purpose of marking and feedback is to identify children’s understanding of a topic’s concepts and to inform the planning or need for extra support from the teacher in the next lesson.

Linky Thinks

This activity provides children with the oppurtunity to consolidate their learning from the whole topic. Each pupil is provided with hexagons that have key vocabulary from the unit. The pupils can make links and explanations between this key vocabulary creating a 'map' of their learning. 




  • Fostering Enjoyment and Enthusiasm for Science: We strive to create a vibrant and engaging science curriculum that captivates children's interest. Through hands-on experiments, interactive lessons, and real-world applications, we aim to instill a passion for scientific exploration that encourages lifelong curiosity.
  • Building Confidence in Scientific Vocabulary: We prioritise the development of a robust scientific vocabulary, empowering children to articulate their ideas and findings clearly. By providing opportunities for discussion, group work, and presentations, we encourage students to use and explain terminology confidently, enhancing their communication skills in a scientific context.
  • Encouraging Inquiry and Reflection: We cultivate an environment where children feel comfortable asking questions about their science learning. Encouraging inquiry helps students develop critical thinking skills and deepens their understanding. Regular reflection on their knowledge allows them to make connections and evaluate their learning journey.
  • Establishing Clear Progression and Expectations: We implement a structured curriculum that outlines clear learning objectives and progression pathways. This framework ensures that children understand what is expected at each stage of their learning and allows teachers to provide targeted support and challenge, facilitating continuous growth in scientific understanding.
  • Promoting Independence in Scientific Investigations: We aim to develop students' independence in conducting scientific investigations. By providing opportunities for self-directed projects and experiments, we encourage children to plan, execute, and analyse their work, fostering skills such as problem-solving, resilience, and critical thinking essential for future scientific endeavors.

This holistic approach ensures that our students not only learn scientific concepts but also develop a passion for science that will inspire them throughout their lives
