Lunchtime and Menus
Pupil Meals - £3.25 per day / £16.25 per week
We ask that payments for meals are made weekly for the meals taken by children. We encourage this to be paid through ParentPay, in our efforts to become a cashless school.
We use the ParentPay Meal Manager selection system. This allows parents/carers to pre-order their child's lunch option at home using ParentPay, with a view of the full menu options available each day. Please do not worry if your child forgets to order, is unable to get online to order, or wishes to change their option on the day, as they are able to do so in class during registration.
Should your child have outstanding dinner debt or not enough funds for the meal being ordered on your child's ParentPay account, you/your child will be unable to order a school dinner until this is fully cleared and funds to pay for the dinner are added. Due to this, we advise lunch accounts are topped up on a Sunday evening in advance of the week ahead, to avoid any issues on Monday morning.
An instructional video on how to book meal options is available here.
As a Derbyshire County Council school, our pupil meals are provided by their catering service. Below are links to their main page and this terms menu.