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Clowne Junior School

Working together for success and happiness

Doodle Home Learning

This year the school have invested in an online learning platform called Doodle which contains four elements: Doodle Maths, Doodle English, Doodle Spell and Doodle Tables. These can be accessed via desktop, tablets and phones through apps.

The platform helps teach and embed the fundamentals of Maths and English and rewards effort rather than ability. It has a built in algorithm that adapts to the child's needs to provide a personalised learning programme for each individual child stretching from Early Years Foundation Stage to Secondary School.

We believe it will help achieve our curriculum aims of children learning more and remembering more. This year the children will not have the traditional homework books and instead be encouraged to access Doodle and earn their stars in a more engaging style of home learning. Teachers will plan in curriculum time for children to experience the fun of Doodle learning and we will encourage children to have a go at home as regularly as they can.



► Try to build in 10-15 minutes as regularly as possible into your daily routine

► Try to make a device available. Remember children can access using your mobile phone if they do not have a device

► Encourage your child to access Doodle Maths, Doodle English and Doodle Spell. Continue to use TT Rockstars for times tables if your child is still learning them

► IMPORTANT: Avoid answering questions for your child or providing support to answer. The Doodle algorithm will assume your child knows this concept and make the curriculum harder because of this. Encourage your child to use the 'Help, Hint and Explanation' buttons on the left hand side of the question to support. Remember, if your child gets something wrong, Doodle will take them back a step and build the foundations, which is great!
