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Clowne Junior School

Working together for success and happiness

PE Information

Our PE days are Thursday and Friday.


On Thursday, all children need to come in wearing appropriate kit (including their PE House tops) and footwear on these days.


On Fridays, two classes at a time will go swimming at The Arc. Children do not need to come to school in their swimming kit, and should bring this in a swim bag with their towel.

Swimming Rota 2024-2025


Autumn Term RO'C and LB/AT


Spring Term RO'C and RE


Summer Term  RE and LB/AT




Children should wear -


- their PE top in correct house colour


- either a house hoodie / a plain hoodie or jumper in their house colour or normal school jumper/cardigan


- plain shorts or jogging bottoms


- can wear stud earring for the day but they need to be removed for PE


As in the uniform policy no other jewellery is to be worn and no football kit wear.



