PE Information
PE sessions usually follow the Jasmine | Real PE Program (A link is available at the bottom of the page).
Please ensure that on your child's PE day, they come in their PE kits to school. They may stay in their PE kits all day.
The PE kits is as follows:
- Their house PE top which is the colour of their house.
- Black shorts, tracksuit bottoms or leggings
- Trainers
- During the winter months, the children can also bring a jacket to keep them warm during the sessions.
Health and Safety:
If your child has long hair, can you please ensure that your child is able to put their hair up before the session or comes to school with their hair up?
Please ensure children are able to take earrings out before the PE session or that earrings are removed before they come to school. Teachers are not allowed to remove earrings or place tape onto a child's ear.
Children may not wear jewellery or loose items during PE sessions.
We recommend that if your child has not already had their ears pierced before the start of the school year, the next time to do this would be near the end of the school year/near the Summer holidays. Under the Derbyshire County Council policy, children are not allowed to do PE for 6 weeks after having them pierced if they are unable to take out their earrings themselves.