Intent – What we are trying to achieve?
Our History curriculum aims to give all children opportunities to develop the following concepts:
- Investigate and interpret the past;
- Build an overview of world history;
- Understand chronology;
- Communicate with the correct historical vocabulary
Within each historical period that we study, our lessons will explore the following knowledge categories:
- Location
- Settlements
- Food and farming
- Conflict
- Travel and exploration
- Beliefs
What are our end points?
We aim to equip the children with the historical skills, knowledge and vocabulary that will enable them to be ready for the curriculum at Key Stage 3; develop their cultural capital in order to prepare for life as an adult in the wider world and to also ensure that children have thoroughly enjoyed learning in History, therefore encouraging them to undertake new life experiences now and in the future.
Implementation – How will we achieve this?
Lessons are sequenced by History leads and then planned by staff. Lower KS2 staff plan collaboratively with upper KS2 staff in order to show how skills progress from Lower KS2 to Upper KS2 and so that work can be adapted to suit the needs of all learners.
- Lessons are sequenced through the structure of: Excite, Explore, Prepare and Present. The Present element involves showcasing and sharing learning to a wider audience e.g. parents, infant school, community.
- History lessons are supported by working walls and knowledge organisers.
- Progression of Historical skills are covered using the Chris Quigley milestones.
- Individual staff skills are utilised to enhance and expand staff skills. Eg; a member of staff to develop an enlarged historical timeline, linked to books in our school library, to be used at the start and throughout each historical unit to enhance children’s understanding of chronology.
Impact – What difference will this make?
We aim to ensure that the children have learnt historical skills and knowledge that will support them as they move up to Key Stage 3. We also aim to ensure that the children can talk passionately and enthusiastically, about the Historical periods they have studied. The optional homework pyramids for the subject are completed by choice and because the children enjoy the subject. We also assess the children’s knowledge through an end-of-unit quiz which assesses the 5 main learning intentions of each historical study. These results can then be used to inform teachers of any gaps in children’s knowledge and the quiz is then repeated in order to interrupt the forgetting and ensure knowledge is retained in the Long Term Memory.