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Clowne Junior School

Working together for success and happiness

Monday 8th March

Today we are welcoming children back to school but you might still be working from home! Over the next few weeks we are working together to build confidence, revise some of the key learning from lockdown and practice our key skills! 



For the next few weeks in reading, our new topic will be... EXTREME WEATHER! 

We will be practicing the same key skills including clarifying the meaning of words, summarising information and retrieving from the text too. 

We'll also be using texts on weather for our Fluency Friday sessions too. 


The text we are using this week is a non-fiction text. This means the text is a factual text. It gives information. It is a reference text- the kind of text you'd use to research something and find information from. 



Today, we'd simply like you to read the first page (page 2) of the text below. 

As you read, you may find you come across some technical language. You may find it useful to clarify or research the meaning of those words as you go to help understand the text more carefully. 


(There's no written task today, just reading the first page of the text.) 


Today in English, we will be continuing our Superhero theme, however, due to all children starting back at school today we have changed it slightly! Instead of writing a newspaper report we thought it would be lovely to ease you all back in gently and get you to write a Superhero story based on the book 'My Brother is a Superhero!' 


Some of the tasks may be similar to ones you have done in the past two weeks but it's always good to have a recap! 


For today's lesson we would like you to go through the slides - Guess the Superhero! There are some clips on there to watch, you may have watched two of them before so don't feel you have to view them again. 



Once you have viewed the clips and go through the slides, we would like you to create a spider diagram about the powers, strengths, weaknesses and adjectives to describe superheroes. 


In Maths today, we are revising some of the key skills and most useful methods. 

You task today is to complete the sheet found below. 

This contains 20 arithmetic questions. 

Arithmetic focuses on the four operations: ADDITION       SUBTRACTION      MULTIPLICATION      DIVISION!


Some of the questions suggest working them out mentally and others suggest using a written method. 

Here are the methods you should try to use: 

  • Column addition (remember to exchange/carry any extra 10s or 100s when your answer goes over 9)
  • Column subtraction (remember to echange/borrow a 10 or 100 if you can't subtract the number) 
  • Written multiplication 
  • Bus stop method division or drawing counters 

Try to complete as many of the 20 questions as you can! 

As you will know, today is the official day that all children return to school. We will be spending time in school talking to the children about how they are feeling about coming back, what they have missed and what they have enjoyed during the time we haven't been together in school. Your task is to fill in this booklet which will help you think back but also look forward to your return to school. We can't wait to see you!