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Clowne Junior School

Working together for success and happiness




Use the copy of Charlotte's Web below to try and answer these comprehension questions; 

  1. Where does Wilbur jump from when he is trying to spin a web? 

  2. What two things does Wilbur not have that means he can’t spin a web? 

  3. How long did it take men to build the Queensborough Bridge?  

  4. Where does Wilbur say he would rather be that evening?  

  5. How does Wilbur feel when the lamb tells him he smells? What evidence can you find in the text to support your answer? 

  6. Charlotte says “I want you in bed again without delay,” when Wilbur asks to go and check his food trough. What do you think this means? 




In English we are going to write the next paragraph of our newspaper report. In this paragraph, you need to explain how Star Lad saves the day! Remember to stay in third person and past tense. You could include a quote from the bus passengers and street witnesses.

Here is the paragraph from the WAGOLL to help you. You could use the same sentence starters as well. 


It was just as the bus approached the Crystal Comics shop that the saviour stepped out of the shadows and onto the road. An eyewitness who was on the bus described the heart-stopping moment that he stopped the bus; “It was incredible! I have never seen such bravery as when Star Lad stepped into the road and held up his superhuman hands. I felt the bus shudder and stop before levitating into the air! We were all left speechless.” Other witnesses watched events unfold from the street and they wondered how Star Lad had managed to pick up a whole bus without touching it. Some said it must be gravity manipulation while others declared it was magnetism. Star Lad himself confirmed to a police officer on the scene that he had used telekinesis.  



In Maths, we are continuing with our dividing unit. We would like you to practise the skills that you have learnt throughout the week to complete the calculations. Remember to draw place value counters to help you to work out the answers.



Geography (Topic)


As part of our 'Food Glorious Food' topic of study, we are looking at where food comes from around the world. Attached is a knowledge organiser for you to take a look at. This is a document children will refer to throughout the lessons as a useful resource of information.


If home learning, all we ask is that you spend a little time looking at the attached file and see what information you can remember. Can you tell someone how far tomatoes travel to Britain and from where? Or how about one of the principles of Fair Trade?


You don't need to write any of the facts down but it may help you remember some of them.


You could also watch this short video explaining some key vocabulary - this should be mainly be revision from previous learning.
