Holiday Planning Challenge
We’d like you to plan a holiday to somewhere you’d most like to travel to. Lockdown has meant that many people have had to cancel their travel plans so, to cheer us all up, you could plan a trip to somewhere delightful!
You might choose to plan out a tropical paradise holiday in a remote retreat or you might fancy an American road-trip, taking in the sights of Las Vegas or New York. You might want to plan a back-packing journey around Indonesia where you can stay over and volunteer in an orangutan sanctuary or you might want to take part in a polar scientific expedition.
Where you go and for how long is completely up to you.
What kind of accommodation will you stay in and how will you travel? Will you have a limited budget or thousands to spend? Who will go with you and what adventures would you like to experience whilst you’re away?
Lose yourself in this activity and try to include as much detail as you can do that we can share your adventures with you!
You can present your holiday adventure however you’d like! It could be a holiday brochure, a diary, a poster, it's up to you!
Happy holidaying 🤩😎🤩😎🤩😎!