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Clowne Junior School

Working together for success and happiness

Friday 12th Feb


Today is FLUENCY FRIDAY! It's all about reading fluently and with expression! We do this at school on Fridays and it's a fantastic chance to explore different texts and improve on our ability to read fluently. We're going to be using part of chapter 1 from The Sheep-Pig by Dick King Smith. (We're keeping on our pig theme but looking at a different text for the day- don't worry, we haven't forgotten Wilbur!) 


Watch the video or follow the slides which explains more about how to read fluently and with expression. Then, watch and listen to the video of today's text being read. Notice how the reader is performing fluently and is using his voice to give emphasis and expression. The way this performer uses accents is brilliant and this will really inspire your own performances. 


Then, have a go at reading the text and performing it yourself. Do plenty of practice and try using the techniques mentioned in the slides. You could video yourself doing this and send it to your teacher. The text is quite long so you may wish to choose just a section to perform allowed. We can't wait to hear and see your performances! 

FLUENCY FRIDAY! The Sheep Pig.mp4

Still image for this video

The Sheep Pig by Dick King-Smith - Chapter 1


We have no come to the end of our Mary Poppins writing sequence and you have completed your superb pieces of writing! Now that you are complete you have several options of task for today. These are all optional today as you have worked incredibly hard over the last 3 weeks to build up to your fabulous pieces of writing. 


  • You could complete a 'show-piece' version of your writing where you write this up in best on bordered paper or decorate the paper yourself with illustrations. 
  • You could share a reading of your piece of writing over video for your teacher to watch. 
  • You could put on a reading of your piece of writing at home for your family to enjoy. 
  • You could create a set of illustrations to go with each paragraph. 
  • You could use the diary tick list and help sheet to analyse your own writing and see what you think you have done well, what grammar features and vocabulary you have managed to include or what you would improve on next time. 
  • You could create a postcard to your family as though you are Michael or Jane and are writing home to tell them about the adventures you've had all week. 
  • You could make up an additional adventure to add an extra paragraph to your writing. 

The choice is yours! 



For the next few weeks or so we will be focusing on 'Fractions'. 

This morning we would like you to look at: Equivalent fractions 

Watch the video first. You will need to keep pausing this to have a go at the tasks. 

There are slides too (same as the video) if you need to look at this more slowly and carefully. 


Then, complete the worksheet. Look at the questions on a screen and write your answers on paper. Remember, the later questions are normally problem solving and reasoning questions so give these your best shot. You may need a little bit of adult explanation for these. 

Spr4.6.3 - Equivalent fractions (2)



On a Friday you will have been used to doing some Spanish - today, we'd love you to start a new topic....SINGING!

We hope this is going to be lots of fun for you!

We have a fantastic on-line package for you to use (Charanga) to which you should already have a username and password for your child. (Let us know through Dojo should you need this re-issuing.


After you have logged in, we would like you to begin with the song 'STOP'.




Next, you will need to work your way through the tabs along the bottom Questions, Song Lyrics, About the Song and then have some fun with the Warm Up Games.


We don't expect you go through every element of the of Charanga but we'd really love you to explore the song, talk about it and have some fun...oh, and do a little singing. You don't have to upload anything to Dojo but if you wanted to record a little singing, it would be lovely to see. 


We're sorry we can't all get together for a sing-a-long but we really hope this proves useful.





This afternoon we would like you to take the afternoon away from screens and enjoy some time to be mindful and at one with nature. 

Follow the link below which takes you to some suggested activities you may wish to try. 

Remember...once you have selected, turn that screen off! :) 

