We have a knowledge-based curriculum which is guided by our 4 over-arching ‘drivers’ delivered over a four-year cycle which will attempt to equip the children with the tools to be informed and thoughtful members of our community. The individual drivers will be central to each topic planned during the particular year.
We have chosen 4 specified ‘drivers’ to develop our children’s acquisition of ‘cultural capital’. Our pupils come from a village that is steeped in mining history.
Our drivers and the rational for our choice are:
- Globalisation - Our learners are growing up in an ever-more interconnected global community. They need to understand their place in it and their impact upon it.
- Adaptability - Our learners live in a location that has undergone significant change. They need to understand how their local area has adapted and developed so that it is able to contribute to the wider community.
- Explorations - Our learners can lack experience of the wider world. They need to understand the value and joy of discovery and what benefits others have gained from venturing away from home.
- Power - Our learners live in an area that lacks cultural diversity. They need to understand the cultural and political influences that shape our nation.
At Clowne Junior School, we have mixed ability classes for all core subjects. Due to the specific nature of phonics teaching, once the children have been assessed, they may be allocated a phonics group. This will be evaluated frequently to ensure the children are being taught the necessary skills to catch up and improve fluency. Smaller intervention and tutoring groups are used to support those pupils with additional needs.