Frequently Asked Questions
My child is ill, what should I do?
If your child is too poorly to come to school, you need to contact the School Office to inform us about the absence before 8:40am. In any other situation, please send your child to school. If during the day their condition worsens, we will contact you to collect them.
What do I do if my child is going to be or is late?
If your child is going to be late, please inform the School Office so we can make arrangements and inform their teacher. If a child is late (after 8:50 am) they will need to sign in at the Office, to ensure they are registered correctly.
Where do I get my child's school uniform from?
Our core uniform (sweatshirts/cardigans/polo shirts/PE tshirts/etc.) are available on the School Trends website:
Alternative websites for our uniform are:
Maverick Schoolwear and MyClothing
For PE, the children are expected to wear a house t-shirt, suitable tracksuit bottoms or shorts, but not football team shorts.
My child is worried/upset about something?
Initially, we encourage parents to speak with their child's class teacher. Staff come out on the yard each morning for parents to catch up with. If the problem continues you can either speak with or telephone, at your convenience, the Year Group Lead or a member of the Senior Leadership Team. Due to teaching commitments, teachers find it difficult to speak over the phone during the working day.