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Clowne Junior School

Working together for success and happiness


Most children at our school said that when using apps such as Whatsapp, they have seen and experienced hateful comments and people being unkind. We are aware that this is happening with children in our school.

We encourage children to take the following steps on Whatsapp if they come across hateful comments and people being unkind:

  • Screenshot and report to parents and teachers
  • Report the comments.
  • Block the user
  • Removing themselves from the group.


Further information to keep your children safe when using Whatsapp can be found in the attached PDF below.


Up to 1:42 of this video provides helpful information about how to set up parental controls on Whatsapp.

Some children are having problems with people adding them into groups without their consent. The following link can help you work with your children to increase security settings and block individual users.

We all have a responsibility in keeping our children and community safe in the digital world. Please check your child is using their phone responsibility regularly in order to help reduce incidents in and out of school.
