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Clowne Junior School

Working together for success and happiness

Friday 29th Jan


Today is our final day of focusing on chapter 6. Today we are going to be using the skill- visualization. 

When we are visualising, we are imagining and picturing the story in our heads as we read or hear the words. We see what the characters are doing and what the setting is like as the book describes it. Watch the video which explains this in more detail. 


At the start of chapter 6, the author describes summer on the farm. He describes the flowers, the tractors cutting the hay and what Fern and Avery get up to. 


Reread pages 42 and 43- the first two pages of chapter 6. As you read this, picture it in your head. Imagine the warm weather, the breeze, the sun on your face and the smell of the farm. Imagine the flowers you can see and smell, the birds in the sky and the tractor rolling past. 

Now that you have imagined this, draw it! 

Your task today is to draw the image you were able to visualize from the story. Include as much detail as you can! 



Still image for this video


In English today, we will be continuing our new writing sequence... MARY POPPINS

This will all lead up to writing a diary entry as though you have spent the week with Mary Poppins herself! 

We will begin the sequence like we always do, by developing and learning all of the vocabulary to do with our topic.


Today, we’ll be gathering vocabulary about the children’s visit to the rooftops with Mary and Bert.

Begin by watching the videos and following the slides. 



Create a spider diagram of as many words as you can think of that could be used to describe the chimney sweeps and the children’s visit to the roof. 

Step in Time

Mary Poppins


We have now come to the end of our blocks on 'Multiplication and Division' and 'Area'. Before we move on to the next block, we think it is important to do some revision and consolidation of everything covered so far this term. 

For the rest of this week, we will be giving you some sheets that have a range of questions covered in these two blocks. 

Here are a few tips to help you on your way:

  • Use the methods looked at in that block
  • Draw out or use counters to help with multiplication and division
  • Use any equipment you have at home to help you e.g. coins, sweets, Lego etc.
  • Use a multiplication grid to help with any times table questions 

Remember, these sheets are to help you practice and revise what we have covered so it's all to help you on your way! 


Today, we'll be looking at multiplication and division part B again. Complete the booklet below and then mark it to see how far you've come this term already! The answers are on the last page of the booklet. 



Today we are continuing on the theme La Familia (Family).

This unit teaches you all the words for family members in Spanish. You will then learn how to count up to 100 in the language so you can say how old each member of your family is! You will also be introduced to something called 'gender' in Spanish.


The username and password remains the same that we posted on Class Dojo.


Once logged in:


-click on Intermediate Level 

-Unit 4 - La Familia (family)

-Lesson 4 


There are three different worksheets to chose from - they are similar and you can decide which level of challenge you'd prefer - as you'll see, the answers are also available.  

