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Clowne Junior School

Working together for success and happiness

Thursday 28th Jan


This week we are focussing on chapter 6. Today we'd like you to retrieve information from the text and answer the questions below. Remember to use the text to help you, give detail in your answer and use the question to form your answer. 


Comprehension Questions: 

1) The title of the chapter is “Summer Days.” Find three things that show you it is now summer on the farm.  

2) What does Avery sometimes find in the hay to keep in his pocket? 

3) How does the goose know before anyone else that her eggs are about to hatch?  

4) The goslings are described as being “in a desperately cramped position.” What do you think this means?  

5) Templeton is described as having “no morals, no conscience, no scruples, no consideration, no decency, no milk of rodent friendliness, no anything.” What do you think this means? You might need help from a dictionary/internet/adult!  

6) It is clear that nobody likes Templeton. How do you think he feels about this? Why? 

7) How does the goose feel about having seven goslings? How can you tell? 

8) There are now seven baby geese on the farm. Do you think these geese will want to be friends with Wilbur? Why/why not? 


In English today, we will be continuing our new writing sequence... MARY POPPINS

This will all lead up to writing a diary entry as though you have spent the week with Mary Poppins herself! 

We will begin the sequence like we always do, by developing and learning all of the vocabulary to do with our topic. 


Today, we’ll be gathering vocabulary about the children’s adventure on the back of fairground horses with Mary and Bert. 

Begin by watching the videos and following the slides.



Your task is to gather as much vocabulary as you can that describes the actions or feelings of: Bert, the fox, the dogs and the horses. You may find it useful to use a thesaurus to gather a real range of vocabulary. Use the vocab from the slides too. You could do this a list, as a spider diagram or draw pictures of each to surround with words. There's a sheet you can use if you wish. The aim is to gather as much vocabulary as possible! 

Mary Poppins Fox Hunting Scene


We have now come to the end of our blocks on 'Multiplication and Division' and 'Area'. Before we move on to the next block, we think it is important to do some revision and consolidation of everything covered so far this term. 

For the rest of this week, we will be giving you some sheets that have a range of questions covered in these two blocks. 

Here are a few tips to help you on your way:

  • Use the methods looked at in that block
  • Draw out or use counters to help with multiplication and division
  • Use any equipment you have at home to help you e.g. coins, sweets, Lego etc.
  • Use a multiplication grid to help with any times table questions 

Remember, these sheets are to help you practice and revise what we have covered so it's all to help you on your way! 


Today, we'll be looking at multiplication and division part B. Complete the sheet below and then mark it to see how far you've come this term already! 



LI: Explore how water changes state.  


Starter: Answer the questions on the sheet below by writing the letter you think in the box. We will return to this later to see whether you want to change any of your answers after completing the lesson.

Look at the Powerpoint on the link above. Work through the 3 investigations (Ice Cube Investigation, Reversing Changes and Salt and Ice) from the Powerpoint and discuss the states and processes the water is going through.


Return to starter activity. Would you now change any of your answers from the beginning of the lesson?


Look at the diagram of how water changes state.

TASK: Produce a diagram of the processes of water changing state drawing your own pictures and arrows using the key vocabulary below. 
Vocabulary: ice, water vapour, evaporation, freezing condensation, melting, water.

If you're child is struggling to complete their own diagram, use the once below and add the keywords in the correct place.
