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Clowne Junior School

Working together for success and happiness


In English today, we will be continuing our new writing sequence... MARY POPPINS!

This will all lead up to writing a diary entry as though you have spent the week with Mary Poppins herself! 

This week, we will continue the sequence like we always do, by developing and learning all of the grammar techniques we will be using in our piece of writing. 


Today we will be looking at FRONTED SUBORDINATE CLAUSES. Follow the slides which explain these in detail.

Then, complete the tasks on the sheet. 

Due to assessment week taking place in school, we think it is important to do some revision and consolidation of everything covered so far this term. 

For the rest of this week, we will be giving you some sheets that have a range of questions covered in these two blocks. 

Here are a few tips to help you on your way:

  • Use the methods looked at in that block
  • Draw out or use counters to help with multiplication and division
  • Use any equipment you have at home to help you e.g. coins, sweets, Lego etc.
  • Use a multiplication grid to help with any times table questions 

Remember, these sheets are to help you practice and revise what we have covered so it's all to help you on your way! 

Afternoon activities


Please complete the PSHE lesson for today.
