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Clowne Junior School

Working together for success and happiness

Tuesday 26th Jan


Yesterday you read through chapter 6. Today we are going to be summarizing the events in chapter 6. You may need to keep referring back to the text to help you. 

For your task, draw 3 pictures with sentences to show 3 key events from chapter 6. Remember, when we are summarizing, we focus on the main events and not small details. 

Then, using no more than 30 words, summarise why the geese are worried about Templeton the rat. 

There's a sheet below you can complete if you wish. 


In English today, we will be continuing our new writing sequence... MARY POPPINS

This will all lead up to writing a diary entry as though you have spent the week with Mary Poppins herself! 

We will begin the sequence like we always do, by developing and learning all of the vocabulary to do with our topic. 


Today, we will be focusing on the vocabulary that describes the children- Michael and Jane. 

Begin by watching the video and following the slides. You will be gathering vocabulary as you go. 



For the task today, we'd like you to draw an outline of Michael and Jane. There's a sheet if that is helpful.

On the inside of the children, write a list of all of the positive words that show nice/good things about the children e.g. charming, happy etc. 

On the outside of the children, write all of the vocabulary that is negative about the children e.g. naughty, cheeky etc. 

Try to gather as many words as you can! 


The Perfect Nanny - Mary Poppins (Michael & Jane)

Mary Poppins (1964) Magic bag


We have now come to the end of our blocks on 'Multiplication and Division' and 'Area'. Before we move on to the next block, we think it is important to do some revision and consolidation of everything covered so far this term. 

For the rest of this week, we will be giving you some sheets that have a range of questions covered in these two blocks. 

Here are a few tips to help you on your way:

  • Use the methods looked at in that block
  • Draw out or use counters to help with multiplication and division
  • Use any equipment you have at home to help you e.g. coins, sweets,Lego etc.
  • Use a multiplication grid to help with any times table questions 

Remember, these sheets are to help you practice and revise what we have covered so it's all to help you on your way! 


Today, we'll be looking at multiplication and division part A. Complete the sheet below and then mark it to see how far you've come this term already! 


This week we are going to start our ICT topic. Today we are going to look at online safety. This is more important than ever as we are spending more time online or on phones/tablets. 


Have a look at the power point all about online safety. 



Design a poster explaining the SMART rules. Make it eye catching and informative.  
